Masuk Daftar

akan hal bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "akan hal"
  • akan:    about; about to; be about to; be going to; be
  • hal:    affair; case; circumstance; matter; thing; hal,
  • hal akan datang:    futurity
  • kesadaran akan hal buruk:    a rude awakening
  • hal:    affair; case; circumstance; matter; thing; hal, azerbaijan; happening; suit; problems; subject; respect; point; litigation; instance; interest; occasion; regard; item; lawsuit; material; concerning;
  • hal.:    pp.
  • akan:    about; about to; be about to; be going to; be willing to; going; going to; may not; shall; shalt; twould; will; will be; will later; would; be; gonna; ready; should; akan; next time; future; to; wan
  • hal-hal:    personal effects; securities; plural noun
  • dalam hal-hal tertentu:    in some respects
  • hal ini menjelaskan hal:    provide an explanation of
  • hal-hal apa:    what sort of things
  • hal-hal apa yang:    what sort of things might
  • hal-hal baru:    novelty; cainophobia
  • hal-hal berkaitan:    related matters
  • hal-hal dasar:    basic things
  • No! Howard doesn't believe that there is such a thing.
    Howard tidak percaya akan hal itu.
  • And I think that's terrific. I'm proud of it.
    Ini hebat. Saya bangga akan hal itu.
  • And we didn't have the evidence for that.
    Kami tidak memiliki bukti apapun akan hal itu.
  • Yes, hairstyling -- I insist on that.
    Ya, menata rambut -- saya yakin akan hal ini.
  • Okay, so we're interested in these sorts of things.
    Jadi kita tertarik akan hal semacam itu.
  • I mean, really open your mind with this.
    Maksud saya, bukalah pikiran Anda akan hal ini.
  • And we should be immensely proud of this.
    Dan kita seharusnya sangat bangga akan hal ini.
  • How can you be so sure of that ?
    Bagaimana Anda begitu yakin akan hal itu?
  • I hope you learn that one day.
    Kuharap suatu saat kau bisa belajar akan hal itu.
  • What makes you so sure of that?
    Apa yang membuat Anda begitu yakin akan hal itu?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5